Sarah Dunlop, October 2024

Michael Spyres invites listeners on a captivating journey through the less-traveled paths of opera in his latest album, “In The Shadows.” Known for his adventurous musical spirit, Spyres ventures beyond the well-trodden paths of mainstream repertoire to unearth hidden gems that offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of operatic history. 

The album opens with a selection of songs from the early 19th century, a time when opera was undergoing a period of vibrant experimentation and innovation. Spyres brings these forgotten treasures to life with his signature blend of power and emotion, particularly shining in the French and Italian repertoire. His renditions of works by composers like Bellini and Weber transport listeners to a bygone era, where the tenor reigned supreme as the epitome of operatic heroism. 

While Spyres’s command of the French and Italian languages is evident in his seamless delivery, his exploration of German opera reveals a slight discomfort with the language. However, his undeniable vocal prowess and emotive depth transcend any linguistic barriers, offering listeners a compelling glimpse into the dramatic worlds of Max from “Der Freischütz” and other German operatic characters. 

The true highlight of the album comes with Spyres’s foray into the realm of Wagnerian opera. With impassioned renditions of rare arias from works like “Die Feen” and “Rienzi,” Spyres demonstrates his versatility as a singer while delving into the lesser-known corners of Wagner’s oeuvre. His interpretation of “Mein lieber Schwan” from “Lohengrin” is a revelation, showcasing a clarity and purity of tone that breathe new life into this beloved aria. 

Throughout “In The Shadows,” Spyres’s commitment to musical exploration and his unwavering dedication to his craft shine through. Supported by the vibrant accompaniment of Christophe Rousset and Les Talens Lyriques, Spyres embarks on a musical odyssey that captivates the imagination and leaves listeners eagerly anticipating what lies ahead for this remarkable artist. “In The Shadows” perfectly expresses Spyres’s artistry, intellect, and boundless curiosity. Whether you’re a seasoned opera aficionado or a newcomer to the genre, this album offers a rewarding listening experience that invites you to explore the hidden depths of operatic repertoire alongside one of today’s most exciting voices.