Beethoven • Stravinsky – Vilde Frang’s Dynamic Interpretation

Barbara Clark, October 2022

Vilde Frang’s recent release on Warner Classics, featuring Beethoven’s Violin Concerto and Stravinsky’s Violin Concerto, presents a thought-provoking union of two distinct musical worlds. Frang’s collaboration with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, under the direction of Pekka Kuusisto, breathes new vitality into these compositions, highlighting their shared penchant for dialogic interplay and animated exchange.

The unlikely pairing of Beethoven and Stravinsky initially raises eyebrows, but Frang’s decision to approach these works on a chamber scale yields a fresh perspective that invigorates their inherent qualities. Through Frang’s impeccable tonal nuances and skillful dynamic range, she seamlessly intertwines with the orchestra’s meticulously graded textures. This synergy amplifies the symphonic essence of the Beethoven concerto, defying the constraints of the ensemble’s modest size. Notably, Frang’s performance of the slow movement encapsulates a poignant moment, accentuating the significance of the radiant third theme.

A striking addition to the recording is Frang’s incorporation of her transcriptions of Beethoven’s cadenzas for the later piano version of the concerto, complete with timpani. This inclusion provides a unique lens into Beethoven’s creative choices and adds an authentic touch to the performance.

The true highlight of the album emerges in Frang’s interpretation of Stravinsky’s Violin Concerto. Together with the orchestra, she masterfully navigates the brisk tempo and intricate rhythms of the outer movements, infusing them with an animated balletic quality. The precise timing and delicate responses of both Frang and the orchestra unveil the ingenious orchestration of Stravinsky’s work, resulting in a vibrant and exhilarating sonic experience.

The third movement, titled “Aria II,” ushers in an unexpected shift in mood, delving into a realm of somber introspection. Frang and the orchestra successfully convey a tangible sense of anguish and unease, showcasing her artistic versatility and ability to convey a spectrum of emotions through her violin.

“Beethoven • Stravinsky” clearly shows Vilde Frang’s exceptional musicianship and her skill in breathing new life into well-established compositions. Through her collaboration with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, these works transcend traditional boundaries, revealing an intricate web of dialogue and exchange intrinsic to the music itself. From Beethoven’s symphonic grandeur to Stravinsky’s kinetic energy, Frang and the ensemble offer a dynamic exploration that leaves a lasting impact. This recording marks another milestone in Frang’s illustrious career and is a must-listen for enthusiasts of classical music.