Fiendishly Impressive: Ligeti’s Kammerkonzert & Other Works by Les Siècles, François-Xavier Roth

Richard Philipps , December 2023

In the world of contemporary classical music, György Ligeti’s compositions stand as a tribute to the boundless creativity of the human mind. The 2017 live recording reissue of “Ligeti: Kammerkonzert & Other Works,” featuring Les Siècles under the baton of François-Xavier Roth, emerges as a vivid showcase of Ligeti’s intricate chamber pieces. Like uncovering a finely crafted mosaic, this collection captivates listeners with its nuanced timbres and virtuosic interpretations.

The album initiates with the Wind Quintet version of the “Six Bagatelles,” a transformation of Ligeti’s piano composition, Musica ricercata. From the outset, the ensemble’s remarkable sensitivity to tonal nuances is evident. Les Siècles’ history of period-instrument performance likely contributes to their mastery of color, as every note is meticulously weighed and woven into the ensemble’s fabric. The result is a mesmerizing interplay of tones, painting each piece with captivating shades of emotion.

At the heart of this collection lies the Kammerkonzert, a composition Ligeti described as having “four movements corresponding to different types of motion.” Employing his signature micropolyphony technique, reminiscent of his renowned Atmosphères, Ligeti constructs ethereal soundscapes that challenge the listener’s preconceptions of texture and form. The Kammerkonzert demands attentive listening, and Les Siècles, under Roth’s guidance, deftly navigate its intricate passages. By meticulously delineating each individual line, the ensemble creates a mesmerizing auditory tapestry—a sonic cat’s cradle that delights the ear as it unfurls.

The album’s culmination arrives with the Ten Pieces for Wind Quintet, a showcase of virtuosity that pushes each ensemble member to their limits. The juxtaposition of movements—ranging from the demanding Prestissimo leggiero e virtuoso to the agile Presto staccatissimo e leggiero—creates a relentless surge of musical energy. Les Siècles’ ability to navigate these challenges seamlessly is a testament to their exceptional skill and cohesion.

In summary, “Ligeti: Kammerkonzert & Other Works” is a treasure trove of meticulously crafted performances that breathe new life into Ligeti’s intricate compositions. Les Siècles and François-Xavier Roth have demonstrated a profound understanding of Ligeti’s musical language, offering listeners an auditory experience that goes beyond conventional boundaries. This release stands as a tribute to the ensemble’s artistry and their dedication to presenting contemporary classical music with precision and passion. For aficionados of Ligeti’s avant-garde brilliance, this album is an essential addition to their collection.